Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Make Your Resolution Count

At the start of every year, we all sit down and think about the ways we can improve our lives for the next year. We make our New Year’s resolutions and vow that that this year will be different. This year, we’ll actually keep our resolutions. 

I’m sure you’ve guessed that the most common New Year’s resolutions are “to lose weight,” “to eat healthier,” “to save money,” “to quit smoking,” and “to spend more time with family and friends.” And you’ve probably also guessed that about 80 percent of people break these promises before the end of the year. 

Well, this year I challenge you to make a resolution that will better your life and even more, I challenge you to keep it. 

Improve your health and your life by making a resolution to get an eye exam this year. It sounds simple, but eye doctors check for much more than just a change in your vision; they can also determine if you have a common eye disease, which many times you would not know until you have already lost your sight.

Glaucoma is one of these common diseases that creeps up behind you and slowly steals your sight, leaving you with, in a sense, tunnel vision. Glaucoma is the 2nd leading cause of blindness, behind cataracts, which can also be diagnosed during an eye exam.

Stages of glaucoma vision (Source:

"As we begin 2013, we hope that everyone’s New Year’s resolution will be to make their eye health a priority and schedule an eye exam,” said Debbie Goss, President and CEO of Prevent Blindness Texas. “Through early detection and treatment, we can help lessen the effects of glaucoma and other eye diseases on vision.”

Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, I feel that this resolution seems only fitting. For more information about glaucoma please read our press release.

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